success function is not called at all when I receiver error code 400:
               success: function() {
               error: function() {
               complete: function() {
None of those are called, and I don't get javascript errors in

On Jan 18, 6:23 pm, Nathan Klatt <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 11:05 AM, anton <> wrote:
> > Can't seem to get any response from an ajax call which response is 400
> > Bad Request
> >      $.ajax({
> >               url: url
> >               type: "GET",
> >               dataType: "json",
> >               success: aj.dataLoaded,
> >               error: function() {
> >                 alert("error");
> >               },
> >               complete: function() {
> >                 alert("complete");
> >               }
> >             });
> > When server responds with error code 400 neither the error function
> > nor the complete function is called, any tips on how to correct this?
> What is aj.dataLoaded doing? I believe a 400 will go to the success
> callback; after that finishes (assuming it does so :) it should call
> the complete callback. Can the call to complete be disabled by
> returning false from the success/error callback?
> Nathan

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