
The site says that the devs monitor this list for stuff
and they don't give out their emails anywhere on the site. So...

The mcDropdown is great but needed a little push from me in order to
get the field to display properly on a form with labels to the left of
the field (versus above). Because of that I needed to have a way to
create css for the anchor and wrapper div tags inserted by the
mcDropdown plugin.

I added the following two new defaults:

                , wrapperId: null              // The id of the wrapper for 
more css
control ...  added 2010-01-18 Jerry Ablan <>
                , anchorId: null                           // The id of the 
anchor for more css
control  ...  added 2010-01-18 Jerry Ablan <>

In addition, the following was changed at line 160 (after insert of
above two lines):

                // create the div to wrap everything in
                $divInput = $('<div class="mcdropdown"><a ' + ( 
settings.anchorId !
== null ? ' id="' + settings.anchorId + '" ' : '' ) + 'href="#"
tabindex="-1"></a><input type="hidden" name="' + ( || +
'" id="' + ( || + '" /></div>')
                        .appendTo($('<div ' + ( settings.wrapperId !== null ? 
'id="' +
settings.wrapperId + '" ' : '' ) + 'style="position: relative;"></

With the wrapper div and anchor accessible now, I can style the CSS to
get the field in the right place.


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