We'd like to move to jQuery 1.4 but we're being held up by
compatibility issues in our javascript spec suite. The specs use the
blue-ridge framework which leverages jQuery, Screw.Unit and
env.rhino.js to run enable them to run on command line.

As far as I can tell, Blue Ridge uses Envjs to set the window context
from a spec file and triggers the "load" event on $(window) to
initialize the callback to the Screw.Unit suite. When we load
jQuery-1.3.2 to the environment, the tests run as expected. Running
the suite with jQuery-1.4 in the browser also behaves as expected.
When running the suite on the command line (Rhino) with jQuery-1.4,
window event does not fire and the tests fail to run at all. Debugging
reveals the window object appears to be null altogether.

Without having dug too far into the new jQuery code and env.rhino.js,
there appear to be some compatability issues between the two where
certain calls to $(selector) do not behave as expected in the Rhino
environment. Anyone else reporting issues? Ideas for follow up?

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