Thank you very much!! Works perfectly.


On Jan 18, 12:31 pm, Nathan Klatt <> wrote:
> Pasquale,
> Looks like it no longer sets the class to selected for you; just gotta
> do it yourself.
> On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 12:31 PM, spiderling <> wrote:
> > bump :-)
> > On Jan 15, 7:13 pm, spiderling <> wrote:
> >> I'm using an accordion which functions perfectly. I was using jQuery
> >> 1.2.6 with UI 1.6 and was able to have a different background image
> >> displayed when the section was expanded using .selected. I upgraded to
> >> jQuery 1.3.2 with UI 1.7.2, and the selected / expanded background
> >> image no longer works. Everything else works fine. Any suggestions on
> >> how I can get it working again with 1.3.2 and 1.7.2?
> >> Thanks
> >> Pasquale
> >> // jQuery
> >> <script type="text/javascript">
> >> $(document).ready(function(){
> >>         $("#accordion1").accordion({
> >>                 active: false,
> >>                 header: '.heading',
> >>                 collapsible: true,
> >>                 autoHeight: false
>          })
>   .bind('accordionchange', function(event, ui) {
>     $(ui.oldHeader).removeClass("selected");
>     $(ui.newHeader).   addClass("selected");
>   });
> });
> >> </script>
> Nathan

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