On Jan 19, 4:44 am, mind01 <mindproduction...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If i try set_time_limit(20); it gives me an 500 error after 20
> seconds, but if i set the value to 60 seconds, i still get a server
> time out after 30 seconds.

If you're in control of the php.ini file, there is almost certainly a
setting in there you can use.  But I doubt this is something
overridable in individual scripts.

> I have seen upload scripts with some kind of callback to the server to
> avoid a time out.

Yes, but uploads are handled differently than these scripts.  I'm
pretty sure your PHP script is not called until the entire HTTP
request is received.  Callbacks are probably built with something
watching for the upload to a file to be completed, although that's a
complete guess.

> There must be something i can do right?

Well you, of course.  If you can update the php.ini, I'm sure you can
fix this.  But that would mean that your server might hang, for say
ten minutes on other requests that are not processing, just stuck.

I think the solution I suggested before would not be terribly
difficult to work out.

Good luck,

  -- Scott

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