I have a "star" click to bookmark type feature. It works in FF, IE but not
Opera or Chrome.
Filled star = page book marked
Empty star  = not bookmarked
In FF and IE first click changes the star from empty to filled, click filled
star turns back to empty (info saved in db successfully).
In Opera and Chrome clicking the stars fills them and 2nd click will return
it back to empty but it never saves to the db. If i bookmark 20 pages in FF,
go to Chrome or Opera and un-select the bookmarked selections it saves
(deletes the bookmark) but it never saves any new bookmarks.
My js looks like this:
$("a.bookmarked").live('click', function(){
   var url_id = $(this).attr('id').split('_');
   var status = $(this).attr('class');

     type: "POST",
     url: '/bookmark/'+url_id[1],
   return false;
Any ideas?

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