Firstly, just a warning that this is a first post.

I've had a look at the link, and it seems to be redirecting me back to
the homepage, however, I would think that to produce the effect you
want you should just be able to use find(). so the following should

$(document).ready(function() {
$('.divParent').hover(function() {
},funtion() {


The alternative would be to use addClass and removeClass, with a
display:none on the default, and a display:block on the added class.

Hope this helps anyway.


On Feb 1, 10:31 am, Shahzad <> wrote:
> I want to attach a controls DIV with parent DIV so when mouse is over
> the parent DIV then it should show the controls DIV and when mouse
> leaves the DIV then it should hide the DIV       just 
> like  see that the controls div get activated when
> mouse is over the object div.
> we try to solve this by having the DIV inside each object and when
> MouseEnter   then we show the controls and when MouseOut then we hide
> the div.  but its not working.     one strange behavioue we saw then
> when we have mouse pointer on the edge of the div then it is
> continuously firing the mouseenter event nonstop.   don't understand
> why.      see the attached file
> any other way is most welcome   we just want to simulate 
> the  behaviour
> Shahzad

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