On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 7:12 AM, Shinnuz <theangusyo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Database works, but if you see div#result doesn't update with "prova3"...
> why? where i'm wrong?

I do believe your problem is you're creating the nation select AFTER
you've set the handler for the select. Move your declaration of
$('#sel_nazioni').change(function() into $.post("selection.php",
{id_cont:cont}, function(data){, a la:

$(document).ready(function() {
       var cont = $('#sel_continenti').attr('value');
       $.post("selection.php", {id_cont:cont}, function(data){
           $("div#result").append("prova2<br />");
               var id_naz = $('#sel_nazioni').attr('value');
               $.post("result.php", {id:id_naz}, function(data){
                   $("div#result").append("prova3<br />");


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