On 22 Lut, 03:43, Nathan Klatt <n8kl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Rafal,
> In what way does it not work? I transcribed your code into jsbin and
> it seems to be fine, though I don't have any roundbox styling being
> applied:
> http://jsbin.com/oququ3/edit
> Nathan


I am not surpised you don't get it rounded ;-) . I presented only part
of the code for rounded corners, because this is not my problem here
(anyway: if you need rounded check this: 
...and make sure you download images from the style as well.).

My problem is different:
Each time when the user sorts something, I would like to see what is
the current order of items. I need to trigger a code each time when
user moves something.

In other words: I do not see popup 'update' which I expect to see
(see : alert('update')  in my code above)

What could be wrong ?


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