Try removing the window.load function, it makes no sense to bind the different menu functions to different page load events

jQuery(function($){ // this is document ready

pathClass:'active', pathLevels:0, delay:800, animation:
{opacity:'show'}, speed:'def', autoArrows:0, dropShadows:1})
 jQuery("ul.sf-menu").superfish_width_mod({ vertical:0, menuWidth:'100%', equalWidth:
0, resizeSeps:0, resizeSubMenus:0 })
jQuery.event.special.hover.delay = 100;
jQuery.event.special.hover.speed = 100;
});// end document ready

Eddie wrote:
Hello all at jquery group, superfish menu in joomla works fantastic
but it gives an error in IE8 and my client hates it! the "done, but
with errors" this is the error....does anyone know how to fix it!!

Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
Line: 48
Char: 35
Code: 0

this is the code around line 48:

jQuery(function($){ $("ul.sf-menu").superfish({hoverClass:'sfHover',
pathClass:'active', pathLevels:0, delay:800, animation:
{opacity:'show'}, speed:'def', autoArrows:0, dropShadows:1}) });
jQuery(window).load( function() { jQuery("ul.sf-
menu").superfish_width_mod({ vertical:0, menuWidth:'100%', equalWidth:
0, resizeSeps:0, resizeSubMenus:0 }) })
jQuery.event.special.hover.delay = 100;
jQuery.event.special.hover.speed = 100;



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