<script type="text/javascript"> 
                        // get faculty default A
                                url: 'myvalidurl',
                                type: "post",
                                async: true,
                                dataType: "html",
                                contentType: "html",
                                error:function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, 
errorThrown) {
                                        //alert(eval('(' + 
XMLHttpRequest.responseText + ')').Message);
                                        console.log("textStatus: " + 
textStatus); // the options for this
ajax request
                                        console.log("XMLHttpRequest: " + 
XMLHttpRequest.responseText); //
the options for this ajax request
                                        console.log("errorThrown: " + 
errorThrown); // the options for
this ajax request
                                        console.log(this); // the options for 
this ajax request
                                success: function(data) {

Firebug console shows:
textStatus: error
errorThrown: undefined

how do I get a more distinct error?

Any help is greatly appreciated...I have googled and will continue to
hunt down this issue. I have used both jquery 1.3.2 and <script

Thanks so much!

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