Hi Steve,

I tried your suggestion and i can see the HTML for the dialog pane.
It's ID is "cdConfirm" in both cases, when it works and when it
doesn't work. I really don't know why it is not working :( Actually
the code that i wrote above i have included in a javascript function
(deleteProduct(....)), so every time i click on delete icon, the
function will be called... I don't know if that's wrong...

On Dec 21, 12:25 pm, Steven Black <ste...@stevenblack.com> wrote:
> Depending on which browser you are using, what do you see when you
> Right+Click and "Inspect element" while the mouse cursor is on the
> dialog?  You should see the HTML code belonging to the dialog pane
> and, from that, the proper ID.
> **--**  Steve
> On Dec 20, 11:57 am, Ladio <vladimir.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > I'm facing a problem with the usage of the UI dialog. I have a page
> > that displays a grid. Each record in the grid has a delete button.
> > When the delete button is clicked a jQuery dialog opens and asks for
> > confirmation (it contains 'Cancel' and 'Delete' buttons). If delete
> > button is clicked, an ajax call will be made to the server to delete
> > the record and then call .dialog('close') to close the dialog.
> > So, basically the following are the steps:
> > 1. click the delete button
> > 2. jQuery dialog opens
> > 3. click the delete button
> > 4. send ajax request to server
> > 5. close the dialog
> > When i open the page and try to delete a record from the grid
> > everything works fine. When i try to delete another record, the dialog
> > opens, after clicking the delete button the ajax request is made, but
> > when i try to close the dialog [ $('#dialog_name').dialog('close;)  ],
> > it doesn't get closed. I tried to check if the dialog is open [ $
> > ('#dialog_name').dialog('isOpen') ] and it returns FALSE. That is very
> > strange because the dialog is already opened...
> > The code is as follows:
> > var buttons = {};
> > buttons[deleteLabel] = function(){
> >  $.ajax({
> >   ...
> >  error: function(){
> >     // display error
> >  },
> >  success: function(msg){
> >   // show success message
> >   // close dialog
> >   $("#cdConfirm").dialog('close');
> >  }
> >  )};}
> > buttons[cancelLabel] = function(){$(this).dialog('close');}
> > $("#cdConfirm").dialog({
> >  bgiframe: true,
> >  draggable: false,
> >  resizable: false,
> >  modal: true,
> >  overlay: {
> >   backgroundColor: '#a09987',
> >   opacity: 0.5
> >  },
> >  buttons: buttons
> > });
> > I really appreciate any help.
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Ladio


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