Zafif, I don't, but if you find out how I'd like to know.  Thanks, BenG.


> I downloaded the new files and it's working great.  Do you know what would be
>the best way for me to check the size before uploading?
>Once I create the MultiRequest obj, and the file is larger than max size , it
>gives you automatically an error.  I want to warn the user prior that.
>                    Ben Groeneveld                                                    
>                    <bgroeneveld@ic        To:     Jrun-Talk 
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                           
>          >             cc:                                        
>                                           Subject:     Re: document uploading tool   
>                    10/07/2002                                                        
>                    12:19 PM                                                          
>                    Please respond                                                    
>                    to jrun-talk                                                      
>Zafif, we use Jason's classes on a postgres backend, and they work just
>great. We do exactly what you proposed. And his book's pretty good to
>have anyway.  We just have problems with files > 300M because of a bug
>in apache on linux, but otherwise uploads to 2G work.  Good luck!  BenG.
>Cortlandt Winters wrote:
>>Hi Zafif,
>>Here are two that I've looked at recently and liked .
>>Both have pretty nice implementations of multipart file upload code.
>>Javazoom's is a jsp that costs $99 with an admin interface included, Jason
>>Hunter's doesn't have an admin interface but it just requires that you have
>>a current copy of his servlets book. Both are pretty good deals if you ask
>>But I would think that new behavior in a 2 year old piece of code might more
>>likely come from a configuration change or a different browser version than
>>something being wrong in the tool itself.
>>Good luck, hope to hear about the results later.
>>----- Original Message -----
>>To: "JRun-Talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 10:04 AM
>>Subject: document uploading tool
>>>Any of you suggest a good document uploading tool?
>>>The tool I have is acting up.  It consists of:
>>>- A table in the db, with document specific info and location of file.
>>>- Folder on the Jrun server with subfolders for each app.
>>>- Uploading servlet that updates/inserts the document on the file server
>>>adds the reference record in the table. Sometimes it lets me create
>>>on the file server and sometimes it just drops the files in the main
>>>I'm having a hard time troubleshooting since I can't always reproduce the
>>>Anyway, it's a utility we wrote a couple of years ago, and I'm hoping
>>there is a
>>>better tool out there.
>>>Thank you!
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