Hi All,

I act as administrator on a Redhat 7.1 system running Jrun 3.1 with the Sun JRE. I've spotted some security issues, which I could use some advice on.

Firstly, our site specification requires a file upload section. I've just confirmed that it's possible to upload a JSP file, and have its code interpreted by Jrun. Not good at all. 8-( My preferred fix is to have the uploads go into their own directory, which Jrun is configured *not* to execute files from. Does anyone know a way to exclude a sub-tree in this way? I've examined the configuration section of Drew Falkman's book, but can't see anything relevant.

The second really relates to the JRE. It will insist on running as user 'root.' Who'd have thought that of Sun? It's not like they are UN*X newbies, after all. I've tried setting the java executable to be suid 'apache,' but then it fails to run due to not finding an essential library. A long search of the Web only brought up files about the need to install as root, nothing about preventing it from running as him.

The potential of those two vulnerabilities together is *quite* unnerving.

Does anyone know of a solution to either problem?



David Spacey


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