I believe that you might find more logging info if you run from the
command line and redirect stdout and stderr to a file.  With JRun3 these
used to be captured in a separate log files, but with JRun4 this is no
longer the default.  I do believe that the documentation talks about how
to setup such logging, though.  Hope this helps, BenG.

Skip Klobucher wrote:

> With the JRun server shutdown during this time, you'd see errors on the
> Apache side without corresponding errors on the JRun side (Apache was
> fielding and forwarding requests to JRun, but JRun wasn't running and
> wasn't
> logging problems).  The only way to determine what happened relative
> to JRun
> is to look at the log files for each JRun server - not just the event log
> but also the err and out files too.  If they don't contain any
> information,
> then it will be difficult to tell.  Does JRun run on the same machine as
> Apache, or are they distributed?  Are there any system-level log files
> available (like Event Viewer on Windows) that might provide additional
> information about what happened?  Thanks.
> Skip
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Crawford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 1:50 PM
> To: JRun-Talk
> Subject: JRun mysteriously crashing, strange errors in Apache
> Over the holiday, our distance learning campus webserver crashed, and
> our alarm system failed to notify anyone in the office (meaning that no
> one discovered this until yesterday morning).  My boss managed to get
> the site up and running again, but when I came in and checked the error
> logs for JRun, I can't find anything out of the ordinary, in either
> default_event.log or admin_event.log (I found a broken pipe error in
> default_event.log but that is dated from this morning and is thus
> unrelated to Thursday's crash).  On the other hand, my error_log from
> Apache shows the following line many many many times starting on Thursday:
> [notice] jrApache[7535] JRun is busy.  [15] dropped while sending command.
> This message also shows up frequently, beginning at 9:05 on Thursday,
> November 27:
> [notice] jrApache[7535] Couldn't initialize from remote server, JRun
> server(s) probably down.
> ...however, I cannot find anything in either default-event.log or
> admin-event.log (or earlier versions of those files) that corresponds to
> that time.
> The Apache logs indicate that the computer was running the entire time,
> as was Apache itself.
> Does anyone have any idea as to what might have happened, or where else
> I might be able to find more information?
>   _____
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