We ran into similar issues (with respect to JRun 4 not finding the contents

of the Jar files), but in regards to tag libraries not loading in when the

.jar file was in the server instance's WEB-INF/lib directory. We "fixed"

this problem by adding the classpath to the lib directory manually to the

java.class.path of the JRun instance we were going to start up. For some

reason, JRun would find maybe the first JAR file in the lib directory

(without this), but then none of the others. Now, it finds them all (???)

So, here's an example:


server instance: jsm-foo

In $JRUN_HOME/servers/jsm-foo/default-ear/default-war/WEB-INF/lib directory,

we have:





We start each server instance off individually (to avoid single point of

failure), and the only way to do this is to place a configuration file into

your $JRUN_HOME/bin directory (with the classpath for the instance). So,

we'd have a:

(in $JRUN_HOME/bin):



# VM configuration


# Where to find JVM, if {java.home}/jre exists then that JVM is used

# if not then it must be the path to the JRE itself


# If no java.home is specified a VM is located by looking in these places in


# order:


# 1) JAVA_HOME environment variables (same rules as java.home above)

# 2) bin directory for java.dll (windows) or lib/<ARCH>/libjava.so (unix)

# 3) ../jre

# 4) registry (windows only)



# Arguments to VM

java.args=-Xms65M -Xmx300m -Djava.awt.headless=true

# java.class.path - use this for adding individual jars or

# directories. When directories are included they will be searched

# for jars and zips and they will be added to the classpath (in

# addition to the directory itself), the jar to be used in launching

# will be appended to this classpath





# where to find shared libraries, again use commas to separate entries


I don't know if the first entry to the WEB-INF is needed, but the second one

makes mention to the lib directory. Also, the foocode would contain our

jars and zips.

To start this instance up, cd to $JRUN_HOME/bin and start it up:

sudo jrun -config jsm.foo.conf -nohup -start

(using Solaris 8 & JRun 4 - for Windows, you can get rid of the 'sudo'


Anyway, hope this helps. If it doesn't, you might also try the newsgroups

(since this email list is pretty much dead). I go to

http://groups.google.com and search from there.

Good luck.

Erik Sahl



-----Original Message-----

From: Kathy Vance [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 3:01 PM

To: JRun-Talk

Subject: Re: Problems with JSPs finding packaged classes


I have exactly the same issue while setting up crystal

report 10 on Jrun 4. The jar files I copied to Jurn

lib are from Program Files\Common Files\Crystal


<%@ page import="the crystal reports classes" %> works

but Jrun could not compile the codes in JSP page.

Looking forward to hearing from somebody here.



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