Try with:

|   beacon.src = 


En/na Amit Agarwal ha escrit:

Hi every one,

I need to poll an image using javascript and need to perform an action once the image is found at its position. This is the code I have written for this task.

|/*----Image handling script starts here----*/
var beacon = new Image();

beacon.onload = function() {

console.log('Image found'); console.log(this.width,this.height);


beacon.onerror = function(){ console.log('Image not found');

var timer = window.setInterval(function(){

    console.log('sending the request again');
    beacon.src = "";;

/*----Image handling script ends here----*/

Problem is that, after one GET request, the response gets cached and requests don't get sent everytime I set src. If you examine NET tab, it sends request only on first src set and caches the response.

I need to send a fresh request for image every time my code sets the src. Any workarounds?

*Amit Agarwal <http:///>*

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