On 20.12.2010 20:44, Lasse Reichstein wrote:
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 09:24:12 +0100, Dmitry A. Soshnikov <dmitry.soshni...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 20.12.2010 1:16, Lasse Reichstein wrote:

[Mutalbe __proto__]
It's there now, so performance won't be any worse than today.
Personally, I think the cost of a mutable prototype is subsumed in the cost of having mutable objects in the prototype chai. You still have to check the entire prototype chain every time you make a lookup.

Can you clarify? You mean an optimization (sort of inline caching?) which can be made on non-rebinding [[Prototype]]?

Not sure I understand the question.

Sorry, my confusion. I meant exactly an optimization with inline-caching and was thinking about how immutable (with an ability to rebind) [[Prototype]] may help.

What I'm saying is that an optimizing property lookup, e.g., using inline caching, will need to check the prototype chain for changes in any case if the property
is inherited.

Yeah, the application of an inline caching in JS seems is very unstable. I.e. it can be implemented for only "clear" object (and which usually are created by the built-in constructors).

For example, I can assume that in the following example the (monomorphic) cache can be used:


since at first glance the (intermediate) object will always use the same resolved method (and therefore the call-site can be cached inline). However, it's only on the first glance, since again after each such a line the position of `toSting` (and the `toString` itself if it stays in the same position) in the prototype chain can be repeatedly changed. Moreover, the penalty with constantly creating an intermediate object also may cancel this caching.

It's even harder to provide such a caching for an object with the same [[Class]] "Number", because this object may have always different prototype chain and the `toString` method may appear on the different link of the chain. I.e. inline caching isn't relate with just checking the type/class/constructor in JS.

Of course, if there is a mechanism of invalidating of the cache (e.g. by changing the `toString` method of on the `Number.prototype`) then again some _static_ code with creating a Number object may use the inline cache (regardless that the property is inherited):

var a = new Number(1);
a.toString(); // monomorphic cache

But I'm not aware how hard to implement such an invalidation (what if not the toString will be changed, but instead another toString is added on the nearer link of the prototype chain? -- obviously it should be invalidated).

All other cases seems are non-cacheable and, in general case -- none of the cases. So, yeah, I also think that mutable __proto__ won't bring additional performance issues, since anyway a dynamic lookup in general case is required.

If it's not inherited, but is an "own property", you don't need to
check the prototype chain in either case. I.e., it makes no difference whether mutable __proto__ exists, you need to check the prototype chain in the same way whether the prototype chain changes or it's just the properties on the objects that do, so I doubt that a settable prototype will change the performance of property


However, if you don't have a mutable [[Prototype]] property, there are a few other optimizations that become possible, e.g., caching "instanceof" results, since they depend on the shape of the prototype chain only, not the properties of the
objects. That might be the performance issue that TC-39 was thinking of.

Yep, a good case, but I'm not sure it's a very important case to avoid an elegance and a shortness of the code description. As mentioned TC-39 also doesn't like the old-school (?) idea with non-stratified meta- and normal- levels. Though, I don't know how much it's a bad idea. On one hand it allows to describe objects clearer and easier (without those longLinesOfJavaStyleCode which is chosen) on the other hand, the stratification may be really a good idea.


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