On 12/29/10, Ben Alman <cow...@rj3.net> wrote:
> I just posted this article, in case anyone's interested in reading
> about some wacky behavior in IE6-8 with try...catch.
> http://weblog.bocoup.com/the-catch-with-try-catch
"It’s like a whole new kind of hoisting, made extra-special just for
Internet Explorer 6-8. "

In JScript Variable Instantiation, identifiers from catch blocks and
FunctionExpressions are added to the VO.
javascript: alert(f);  +function f(){};
javascript: alert(xx); try{}catch(xx){}

Its been discussed on c.l.js on es-discuss, though I can't recall
thread names ATM.

MS JScript documentation "MS-ES3" explains JScript's deviation to
Variable Instantiation. That document is linked from:

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