On Jan 2, 2:53 am, "Michael Haufe (TNO)" <t...@thenewobjective.com>
> Yes I am well aware of the concept and do enjoy cute answers from time
> to time, but it still does not answer the question.  But at any rate I
> believe this is a better article in regards to namespacing: <http://
> michaux.ca/articles/javascript-namespacing>
> On Jan 2, 1:18 am, jemptymethod <jemptymet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Jan 1, 8:48 pm, "Michael Haufe (TNO)" <t...@thenewobjective.com>
> > wrote:
> > > Unless private variables contain some type of uber-secret personally
> > > damning info, why not just use this?
> > Consider familiarizing yourself with the module pattern, 
> > seehttp://www.yuiblog.com/blog/2007/06/12/module-pattern/publisha
> > couple of months after I contracted for Yahoo!

I was not trying to be cute.  Your example was prototype based, which
the module pattern isn't.  It seemed like apples and oranges to me.

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