On Jan 8, 12:47 am, Garrett Smith <dhtmlkitc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1/7/11, Bryan Forbes <br...@reigndropsfall.net> wrote:> -----BEGIN PGP 
> > Hash: SHA1
> You are using a meta refresh as a test to see if more memory is
> consumed on each refresh? A test for a memory leak must navigate
> between two or more pages.
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd361842%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
> --
> Garrett

Are you sure that a meta refresh (or javascript refresh) of the same
page will be an invalid test? When I read the page you referenced, I

 " these circular references are broken when users navigate away from
the page that contains the leaks."

to mean simply loading a new page. It doesn't matter what that new
page is. It could even be a new view of the same page.

 I have not done any testing on this, so I don't know for sure.
(sorry, I don't have time to test right now. Will try and get to it on

In the past, when I have tested for leaks, I have used a javascript
bookmarklet to refresh the page in question a number of times. This
definately would produce leaks.

Note, in the back of my mind, I have a question as to whether
reloading the same page will still produce a valid leak test in the
most current generation of browsers. They all seem to be trying some
very agressive caching in one form or another. This may force loading
a different page to get a valid test.But what if each different page
is referencing the same .js file..........

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