function initVideoProgress() {
  function formatTime(time, fragments) {
    var output = '', fragment;
    // Maximize the fragments in 3.
    fragments = Math.max(1, Math.min(3, fragments || 3));
    // For every fragment generate output.
    while (fragments--) {
      if (output) {
        output = ':' + output;
      // This is the last fragment
      if (fragments === 0) {
        fragment = '' + (time | 0);
        t = 0;
      else {
        fragment = '' + (time | 0) % 60;
        time /= 60;
      // Prefill with 0s if needed.
      while (fragment.length < 2) {
        fragment = '0' + fragment;
      output = fragment + output;
    return output;

  $('video').each(function(index, _video) {
    var $_controls = findControlsForVideo(_video),
        $_progress_bars = $_controls.find('.video_progress_bar');
    /* Bind The timeupdate Event For The Video */
    $(_video).bind('timeupdate', function() {
      var percentage = 0;
      if ((typeof this.duration != "undefined") && (this.duration > 0)) {
        percentage = 100 * this.currentTime / this.duration;
        console.log(formatTime(this.currentTime, 3));
      $_progress_bars.css("width", percentage + "%");

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