On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Peter van der Zee <jsment...@qfox.nl> wrote:
> Crockford updated his tool (jslint) recently (1). I'm not really happy with
> enforcing some of the options he has enforced, but that's how it is. If you
> don't like it, you can always fall back to http://jshint.com/ which is
> basically the same thing with different error output. It probably uses the
> previous version.

Ha! I didn't realize people were actually using JSHint as a real
JSLint alternative. I put it up as an April Fools joke and haven't
touched it since. I'm not sure I'd recommend getting attached to it,
since I don't have any plans to maintain it or update it.

A better option might be to simply fork Doug's JSLint GitHub repo and
either use an older version or modify it to meet your needs (as Gary
Katsevman suggested later in this thread):

- Ryan

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