On 1/12/11, jdalton <john.david.dal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> @Balázs Galambosi:
> I detect the scroll element in FuseJS using something similar to:
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/513327/scrollel/quirks.html
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/513327/scrollel/standards.html

So you add a div, set it to be 10000px tall, and then remove the div
if the documentElement's *clientWidth* is not 0?

| if (docEl.clientWidth !== 0) {
| // ...
|  body.removeChild(div);
| }

I'd say move the removeChild call out of that `if` statement. THough
I'm not sure why you're checking clilentWidth there. SHouldn't that be
a check to clientHeight? I don't get it.

I'd also rename `div` to `testDiv`. Identifier `bs` is good.

> It seems to detect it correctly.

In Chrome, I see for both examples:
"Use body's scroll coords? Yes." Yet, the scrollHeight for
documentElement is 10000.

javascript: alert(document.documentElement.scrollHeight);


> If both body and docEl will report scroll coords it chooses the docEl.

I detected quirks mode by checking the compatMode. SO post here:

Though that is less specific to scroll values, so inferences derived
regarding scroll values won't be as strong as with direct capability

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