I see a lot of value in Netbeans. I mostly use Vim, but I have used Netbeans before for js development, and there were several occasions where its code intelligence features spotted small bugs that I missed. Its integration with VCS is also useful. Finally, there's a free plugin which provides Vim emulation, and it's one of the best I've used: http://jvi.sourceforge.net/


On 11-01-27 10:47 AM, Marc Harter wrote:
I love Vim, used to use gedit and before that I used Netbeans.  I have my vim 
config optimized for JS dev, feel free to grab it if interested:


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 27, 2011, at 7:53 AM, Acaz Souza<acazso...@gmail.com>  wrote:

When we'll have a good IDE with a really autocomplete, I add a
functions in my page, that functions will appear in my autocomplete, a
IDE for indicate real errors, real integrations with APIS... WHEN??

A IDE like Visual Studio(one of the best IDE).

I never seen that.

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