On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 2:57 PM, Peter Higgins <da...@dojotoolkit.org>wrote:

> On 1/28/11 8:50 AM, Max Vasiliev wrote:
>> It looks like an advanced text editor, not an IDE. I.e. it doesn't
>> have any debugging features, can't do any refactorings, doesn't have
>> true autocomplete.
>>  Seems like a blurry line ... At what point does a text editor become an
> IDE? Is the requirement feature bloat? Embedded browsers to debug?

IMO, code insight and smart error reporting up front (more than just hooking
up jslint) are a key factor here.

Webstorm/Jetbrains scores very high, but the author plainly _refuses_ to
even discuss making the auto-save "feature" of the IDE optional. With that
thing on, I won't even consider buying it.
I use Aptana myself, but the code completion sucks (turned it off) and the
error reporting at some point stopped showing the actual errors (so now I
get to guess what the squiggly red line means this time ;).

I've not yet seen a full blown IDE that I'm satisfied with. Aptana is "fine"
for me.

For me personally, I can't code without code folding. But that's nowadays
part of most text editors as well, one way or the other. Visual studio otoh
has an epic fail in this regard.

- peter

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