Function call — which `foo()` an `nsui()` are — has little to do with
``. Function call (such as `foo()`) delegates to
internal [[Call]] method of whatever object you're invoking. In case of
`foo()` it's [[Call]] of `foo` function object. Unless the implementation
you're working with allows you to tap into this internal [[Call]] method
(and intersect it) overwriting `` certainly
won't help here.

I don't think I've seen any implementations that expose [[Call]] to
user-level code.


On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 4:44 AM, Marc Palau <> wrote:

>  Hi everybody!
> -Just for Firefox- I'm trying to modify the Function object to output by
> console the execution flux of my application, I know firebug can capture for
> me that, but I want to modify the Function to play aroud with it.
> My approach is this, but it doesn't work (of course).
>         Function.prototype._call    =;
>        = function(args){
>             console.log(this);
> Function.prototype._call.apply(args,Array.prototype.slice._call(arguments,1));
>         }
>         function foo(){
>             return 42;
>         }
>         var nsui        = function(){
>             return 42;
>         }
>         foo();
>         nsui();
> //none happens :P
> Thanks in advance!
> marc
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