On Tuesday, April 12, 2011 7:37:44 PM UTC+2, cancelbubble wrote:
> Here at work, we do a fair bit of surveys on various sites via Survey 
> Monkey. The MO has always been to do a pop *under *window - focus the 
> parent, not the child/new window.  I've stressed how I think this is slimey 
> (hiding the new window), but it is what it is and that's that :)  
> Seems every time we have a survey, I'll get people coming to me because the 
> new window is getting blocked by *someone*.  I've looked at the code 
> they're using and it's using the typical window.onload event.  I tell them 
> this is probably why they're getting blocked as the pop up blockers are no 
> doubt seeing automatically opened windows as unwanted advertising.  Because 
> the window onload and onunload events have been so abused, this is why we 
> have pop up blockers built into browsers as well as plugins.
> I thought about perhaps using a timer to delay execution of the pop up from 
> onload, but not sure if this will make any difference.  I'm kind of guessing 
> not but I haven't tested it yet.  I can't really test it as it's another 
> dept. that has access to the server, not me... I've also thought about using 
> onmousemove to trigger it (user-triggered event) and then nulling that out 
> but that seems even more stupid.
> I've suggested adding static survey promos which would be 
> *user-triggered*events as I think those might fare better in the world of pop 
> up blockers - 
> even though there's still no guarantee.  So the user clicks to pop the new 
> window.
> I've also suggested removing JS from the equation altogether and having the 
> promos link straight to Survey Monkey.  The counter there is that they've 
> lost where they are in our site (they could have deep-linked in).  They 
> can't just easily close the Survey Monkey window to pick back up where they 
> left off in their task.  Off the top of my head, I don't know if they can 
> use their back button to backtrack from the end of the Survey Monkey survey, 
> either.
> Is there a general consensus of best practices in regards to opening a new 
> pop up (or pop under) window with JavaScript with pop up blockers?

If there is an existing window open with the same name as referenced in the 
`window.open(url, name)` statement, then this window will normally be 
targeted instead of opening a new one (and having it blocked).

This has lead me do the following; identify the name used by the blocked 
window.open code, and then on your site, in the users click action  open up 
a window with the same name. The window.open statement will now target the 
existing window and is therefor not blocked.

You might need to open some document on the same domain as the window.open 
code tries, but a 404 should suffice in this case.


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