On Aug 1, 3:43 pm, UI Architect <info
%webuiarchitect....@gtempaccount.com> wrote:
> I need to build an URL blocker script that would block requests to a
> given set of URLs.
> With whatever knowledge I have so far, DOM doesn't have any 'change'
> event itself; so practically this seems impossible. So I have changed
> the problem statement to - "Remove any element from the DOM as soon as
> possible after it makes a request to a blocked URL".
> 1) SCRIPT - since changing the src attribute of a SCRIPT element
> doesn't make any difference to the DOM, only the new SCRIPT elements
> need to be tracked against blocked URLs.
> 2) IFRAME & IMG - both of these types need to be tracked for existing
> as well as new elements being added in the DOM against the blocked
> URLs.
> The approach I'm thinking of is to start an interval, collect existing
> target elements, check the src attributes and remove those elements
> from DOM.
> And may be, innerHTML and appendChild methods can be overwritten to do
> a pre-check for blocked URLs.
> Can you please suggest better approaches? I need to have a 'best
> possible' solution - need not be perfect and 100% full-proof.

First - wrap XHR#open, XDR#open, WebSocket and EventSource.
Second - if browser supports [gs]etters and DOM prototypes - wrap
setter HTML[Image|Frame|Script|Embed]Element#src,
HTMLObjectEvent#data, also Node#setAttribute method . Else if browser
supports onpropertychange event - (poll DOM tree changes or use DOM
mutation events), add onpropertychange and wrap setAttribute
individually for each element w/ #src/data arttribute but its less
effective and may be big overhead.

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