2011/9/6 nathanJsweet <nathanjsw...@gmail.com>:
> Hey all,
> I'm building my selector engine still (for those of you who remember
> my ill-fated test suite), I'll be submitting it for code review
> shortly, but I ran into an interesting issue that I was hoping someone
> could resolve for me. Nowhere, that I can find, in the CSS spec does
> it say that an attribute-value may not contain spaces in it using the
> attribute selector. In fact, quite the opposite seems to be stated in
> section 6.3 of the spec it says:
> "Attribute values must be CSS identifiers or strings."
> This is in explicit reference to the attribute selector, which would
> lead me to believe that whitespace is certainly allowed. However, I
> have noticed that in Sizzle and other selector engines, including the
> native querySelector function, that whitespace throws an error; also,
> not one of the examples in the attribute selector section of the CSS
> spec has an example with whitespace. My question is: is there
> something I'm missing?
> My selector engine can handle whitespace in this situation, and I see
> no reason why it shouldn't, because it's not as though whitespace in
> this situation can create syntactic confusion as a brace, "]",
> delimits the whole selection.
jQuery('[class="first last"]')

works fine on

<li class="first last">

and same should go for anything else. Same goes to

jQuery('[name="my fancy[] stuff"]')


<a name="my fancy[] stuff">


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