On 07.09.2011 14:49, Dmitry Pashkevich wrote:
Yeah the question itself is tricky.

But anyway, can somebody please give a clear explanation of why can't we override the name of the function expression if we call it immediately but this code:
var x = function (){x=123;alert(x);};

will assign 123 to x?

Because in case of a variable, "x" is name of the _variable_, not a function's name (more precisely, the name of a binding in the environment). And this variable is not read-only, you may assign to it (while cannot to function's name). Besides, it's not required that the function should have the same name as a name of a binding to which it's attached:

var foo = function bar() {
  alert(foo == bar);

foo(); // true

P.S.: Notice, there're some bugs in older versions of IE, where this equality is false (http://dmitrysoshnikov.com/ecmascript/chapter-5-functions/#nfe-and-jscript).


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