Hi, I am a newbie on JS and was trying to do alpha blending without a
full success for a couple of days. The code is here:

    var img1 = document.getElementById('foreground');
    var img2 = document.getElementById('background');
    var canvas = document.getElementById("result");
    var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
    var width = img1.width;
    var height = img1.height;
    canvas.width = width;
    canvas.height = height;
    var alpha = 0.5;
    var pixels = 4 * width * height;
    // get foreground image data
    context.drawImage(img1, 0, 0);
    var image1 = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
    var imageData1 = image1.data;
    // get background image data
    context.drawImage(img2, 0, 0);
    var image2 = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
    var imageData2 = image2.data;
    // alpha blending
    while (pixels--) {
        imageData1[pixels] = imageData1[pixels] * alpha +
imageData2[pixels] * alpha;
    // send the result to canvas
    image1.data = imageData1;
    context.putImageData(image1, 0, 0);

I found that Safari displays blended image just fine. However in
Chrome, the line on context.getImageData triggered the following error

58 Uncaught Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18

Thank you very much in advance,


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