On 15 September 2011 20:19, Matthew Bramer <remym...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have another small question as a result of the code here.  With this line
> of code:
> jsllc.GetHashTable( listName, options, function (hashTable) {
> the variable hashTable hasn't been defined within the function call.  It's
> defined within GetHashTable as: hashTable.  How does that work?  I thought
> all vars had to be declared prior to using them...  Also, in the line above,
> if I call the variable something else like: bugaboo
> Would that affect this function from working?  This is where I get lost with
> callbacks and how mysterious parameters appear out of nowhere...  Like using
> jQuery's .each().  With that function call, you can do:
> .each(function(index, element) { }
> or
> .each(function() { }
> and both are totally valid.  Bizzarro...

What you're doing there is declaring an anonymous function. When you do:

function add(x, y) {
  return x + y;

add(4, 5);

Then in the add function, x and y will be bound to 4 and 5 (for that
invocation). The same thing happens with jQuery.each(). The inside of
the each function will look a bit like this:

$.each = function (array, callback) {
  for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
    callback(i, array[i]);

So, index and item will be bound to each index and each item of the
array. Make sense? The same thing happens with your callback function
- the argument will be bound when the function is invoked by whoever
you passed it to.

Hope that makes sense :)


Nick Morgan

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