To put it in simple words, if you use any operator ( () - grouping op.
or ! unary not ) on the function it becomes a "function expression",
as opposed to a "function statement".

A line that starts with the function operator is a function statement
By definition, a function declaration can not be self executed.

See here for more info:


On Sep 29, 1:18 pm, Lasse Reichstein <>
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:17 AM, Jimmy Chan <> wrote:
> > some claim the ! has better performance over ()
> >
> > from
> >
> That difference seems to be below the noise level.
> In Chrome 16, Opera 11.51 and IE 9, the different approaches are about the
> same speed (with +/- being markedly slower in Chrome and Opera, probably
> due to actually doing the to-number conversion, hitting NaN and getting
> penalized for that by the FPU).
> See
> Always run the tests twice and take the second result. That ignores the
> warmup effect on the test suite itself that might otherwise affect earlier
> tests negatively.
> /L

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