It should be:

nestedFunction = function() 


nestedFunction: function()

On 21 Oct 2011, at 08:48, Rahul wrote:

> hi ,
> i was trying function scoping ,
> this is the code below,
> alice = { name : "ALICE" }
> Function.prototype.bind = function(scope){
>                               var _function = this;
>                               return function(){
>                                       _function.apply(scope,arguments);
>                               }
>                       }
> object4 = {
>       name : "OBJECT-4",
>       action : function(greeting){
>                       alert(greeting+" my name is ";
>       }.bind(alice)
> }
> function fn18(){
>   object4.action("hi !!!! ");
> }
> when i call function fn18() on load of page it gives an alert "
> hi !!!!! my name is ALICE",
> Now if i change my code of object4 as follows
> object4 = {
>    name : "OBJECT-4",
>    action : function(greeting){
>             alert(greeting+" my name is ";
>             nestedFunction : function(){
>               alert(greeting+" my name is ";
>             }.bind(object4);
>             nestedFunction();
>   }.bind(alice)
> }
> this if i call function fn18()  , it gives an error of syntax error,
> why so,
> waiting for your reply
> -- 
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