
Thanks for the heads-up about this group. The introduction thread
alone is impressive! Can't wait to see where it goes from here.

- Anatoly

On Oct 29, 2011, at 8:45 AM, Claus Reinke <> wrote:

> [js-tools is meant to complement existing lists, providing a forum for 
> Javascript tool developers]
> Dear Javascript enthusiasts,
> we are pleased to announce a new Javascript mailing list:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> - are you working on some great Javascript tools?
> - are you looking for a Javascript development tool?
> - do you wish that tools X and Z could be used together?
> - have you invested time building tool T on top of tool A,
>  only to find the A has been abandoned and everyone
>  else has moved on to tool B, without telling you?
> - would you like to see the various individual development
>  efforts feed into collaborative development projects, to
>  improve interoperability and maintenance?
> - are you looking for collaborators to revive an open-source
>   tool that its original authors no longer have time for?
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Join js-tools and help moving Javascript developer tools
> forward!-) It is a forum for Javascript tool developers and
> others who wish they knew where to find tool information.
>   JavaScript Development Tools. Tools for JavaScript;    tools in JavaScript. 
> Discovering and integrating existing    tools; implementation of new tools; 
> shared tooling    infrastructure; needed tools; research on tools and tool    
> users.
> There is a companion github repo for the group at
> The repo has a longer description of why I think this group is needed, and it 
> holds a list of tool resources that we hope
> to grow as Javascript tool developers start using js-tools
> as a place to announce their tools.
> On behalf of the js-tools team,
> Claus Reinke
> John J. Barton
> Axel Rauschmayer
> --
> To view archived discussions from the original JSMentors Mailman list: 
> To search via a non-Google archive, visit here: 
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

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