On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 7:37 AM, Rahul <rahulshivsha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (function(){
>        var personProto = {
>                describe : function(){
>                         alert("NAME IS "+this.name);
>                }
>        };
>        var jane = {
>                name : "JANE",
>                __proto__ : personProto
>        };
>        var tarzan = {
>                name : "TARZAN",
>                __proto__ : personProto
>        };
>        jane.describe();
> })();
> in the above code for the last line i am getting an error "Object
> doesn't support this property or method",

In which browser?
IE doesn't support the non-standard __proto__ property.

> But what i am expecting is object "jane" must inherit method describe
> from object "personProto"

In ES5 browsers use:

  var tarzan = Object.create(personProto);
  tarzan.name = "TARZAN";

  var tarzan = Object.create(personProto, {name:{value:"TARZAN",
writable:true,        configurable:true,enumerable:true}});

In older browsers you can make your own equivalent to Object.create:
  function clone(o) {
    _.protototype = o;
    return new _;

 var tarzan = clone(personProto);
 tarzan.name = "TARZAN";

Or, just do it the old-fashioned way:
  function mkTarzan() { this.name = "TARZAN"; }
  mkTarzan.prototype = personProto;
  var tarzan = new mkTarzan();

What is the problem you are trying to solve that don't work with
normal constructor functions?


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