Lets say I want to create "colors" collection. The color names inside
the collection
should be enumerable, while "length" and "currentColor" should not be

var colors = {
  // enumerable properties
  black: '#000',
  white: '#fff',
  blue: '#343',
// non-enumerable properties
Object.defineProperty(colors, 'currentColor', { value : 'green',
writable : true, enumerable : false, configurable : true});
Object.defineProperty(colors, 'length', { value : 3, writable : true,
enumerable : false, configurable : true});

This code works as expected, but it's hard to read because of the
verbose descriptor syntax. Is it possible
to specify which properties should not be enumerable after they were defined?

var colors: {
  black: '#000',
  white: '#fff',
  blue: '#343',
  currentColor: 'green',
  length: 3,

makeNonEnumerable(names.currentColor, names.length);

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