On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 3:02 AM, S.A. <game...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Most of what is shown in the example is a scaffolding to have it work in
> older IEs as well. You are right, to have the code only work on the latest
> browsers, we don't need all that code.
> As I have indicated in one of my previous responses, code does work with
> "src" attribute. I am trying to figure out a way to have it work where we
> receive the actual script via an XHR response and use it immediately.

The example I gave above is exactly for that, injecting in the
document a script received through an XHR "responseText" and still
allow for the load event to fire.

In the example I haven't taken in consideration IE < 9, but I believe
it would be possible to have a fall back for IE 6/7.

Have you tried it ?


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