On Dec 16, 7:05 am, "Claus Reinke" <claus.rei...@talk21.com> wrote:
> There is a widespread pattern on the web that I don't understand.
> I start with the problem statement, then suggest a workaround
> that I would like to get feedback on. I close with the suggestion
> that the interplay of CSS and noscript could be improved by a
> :noscript CSS-pseudoselector.
NAK. Hasty conclusion.

> Take Google+ as an example, though there are many Javascript-
> using sites with similar issues. Pages start with something like
>     <style>
>     body { visibility: hidden; }
>     </style>
> and then Javascript is used to override that default. For instance
>    https://plus.google.com/111191895515210271225/posts/HN2ZTbf7Cgg
> I assume there is some rationale for hiding content by default?
> Perhaps it is that if one shows content by default, there would
> be a flash of uncontrolled content before the scripts run.
> The problem is that users who disable Javascript by default see
> nothing at all on such sites, even though the content could be
> read just fine by removing the default styling. Try the example.

> If the rationale above is correct, there would seem to be a simple
> workaround, which is to hide content via a css class, and to attach
> that class dynamically, before the content is parsed and rendered.
> That way content is hidden by default only when script is enabled:
You could do that, sure.

>     ..
>     <style>
>     .script .hidden {display:none}
>     </style>
>     </head>
>     <body>
>     <script>
>     document.body.className = "script";
>     </script>
>     <!-- no script: text visible -->
>     <!-- with script: text not visible by default,
>           can be made visible by script, when ready
>     -->
>     <div class="hidden">
>     hear this
>     </div>
>     ..
> Am I missing something here? If this works as expected, then
> why do major players like Google+ (don't get me started on
> Twitter) fail to make their content accessible to non-Javascript
> users?
Willful ignorance? The problems with such approaches have been
discussed for over 10 years.

> While looking into this, it occurred to me that the noscript
> element isn't half as useful as it could be - in particular, we
> might be better of with script/noscript CSS-pseudoselectors:
>     <style>
>     :script { display: none }
>     </style>
> I would like your feedback on these observations: am I on
> the right track?
A browser supporting JavaScript itself is usually not enough. A few
things like `window` or `document` can be safely assumed. Beyond that
requires feature testing.

if(document.body) {
  document.body.className = "foo-support";
Twitter: @xkit

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