2012/1/12 gamera <gam...@detuner.org>:
> Guidelines are opinionated by design.
> Those two in particular spread FUD.
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:24 PM, J.R. wrote:
>> I try to follow these two guidelines:
>> - Google JS Style Guide:
>> <http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/javascriptguide.xml#JavaScript_Language_Rules>
>> - Douglas Crockford's code conventions:
>> <http://javascript.crockford.com/code.html>
>> --
>> Joao Rodrigues (J.R.)

You will always need guidelines whichever you choose if you work in a
team, specially in larger teams. It helps understanding the code, and
gives hints to your approach to the problem. It can even gives
indication to bugs, like you try to set a value that is treated in
other parts of the code as a constant, or try to call a function that
is set up to be used as a constructor. So it doesn't matter what kind
of guidelines you use, but use a really detailed one. You can even
modify it to some degree to make it fit your team's development style
(like switch camelCase to something else, or use Hungarian notation or
whatever your team prefers), just stick to it, and it will help in the
rest of the development process.


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