The dexios templates that I referenced, do not "compile" the template in the
sense that JSP compiles a template. "parse" would be a better word. AND it only
parses it ONCE.... The dexios method provides for true code/html seperation (an
html person could only manipulate html macro tags), and I think is much more
intuitive --although not nearly as sophisticated as JSP.

My purpose for mentioning it was not to say it was overall better than JSP (not
nearly). But rather, that it provides a simple, and fast means of seperating
html from servlet code that works VERY well, -- with minimal overhead.........I
am just trying to get a grasp on JSP benifits+performance....I have learned that
the JSP beans do provide significant functionality....if only someone could
point me in the direction of an example of a Model 2 JDBC servlet/JSP bean


>> The tutorial says the dexios templates are compiled. I didn't read much
>> further than that. If it's the compilation you're worried about, jsp is
>> supposed to do the compilation only once for each page (until the a page
>> is modified).  I don't think this would take long.
>Maybe I'm mistaken, but I was under the impression that the
>compilation of pages is supposed to benefit performance.  Compiling
>each page once means that there isn't some servlet parsing
>HTML pages for every request.  I'm still learning the  technical
>side of servlets/JSP, but without page compilations, a servlet
>would have to interpret each page and use the Reflection API to
>interpret each page.  This presumably would be slower than
>just running a pre-compiled servlet that knows how to handle one
>Rick Sanders
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