
Ypu will find some docs (not a lot about JSP except the FAQ) on my site at:


Le 09:22 30/03/99 -0800, Nitin Patil a écrit:
Hi all,
I'm a newbie for the JSP technology and would like to know more about it. I would appreciate if somebody could give me a nice URL where I can learn
- more about programming using JSP
- tips for a good web-site design using JSP
Something that I would really like to know for my Java buddies sitting out there is how is JSP faster (or more efficient) than servlets (if it is)?
- Nitin

| Luc Saint-Elie                                 |  
| 53, rue Caulaincourt                           |        
| 75018  Paris France                            |
| Tel: 01 42 52 09 62 / 06 12 90 19 65           |
| email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     |
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| url : http://www.saint-elie.com                |
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