I have also seen this problem.  I mentioned it awhile ago on the list but no
one replied.

----- Original Message -----
From: Christopher Cobb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 1999 10:15 AM
Subject: MATCH=null bug in JRun?

> I am using JRun Pro 2.3 build 141.
> I am using an <excludeif> tag in an attempt to exclude the display of a
property which may be null.
> My JSP looks like this:
> <excludeif property="ac:faxPhoneExtension" match=null>
>          Ext. <DISPLAY property="ac:faxPhoneExtension">
> </excludeif>
> which I beleive to be correct JSP.
> The code generated by JRun looks like this:
> String jsp_include_val0 = null;
> String res0 = JSP.beanVal(ac[jsp_array_idx0],"faxPhoneExtension", "null");
> if(!(res0 == null))
> {
> out.println("");
> out.print("              Ext. ");
> ...
> }
> This code looks relatively OK, except that I believe that the final
parameter to the JSP.beanVal() method (in this case "null") represents a
default value to return.  So in effect, if my property is null,
JSP.beanVal() returns "null".
> The output I get when the property is null is:
> Ext. null
> This looks like a bug to me.  Any anticipated fix?
> cc

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