Pinky Thakkar wrote:
> hi,
> I just began reading white papers in JSP i.e. JavaServerPages Specification.
> In the document, there is lot of reference to XML. I don't know XML at all,
> but i know ASP pretty well.
> So my question is: do i have to know XML before trying to understand JSP?

Nope, you should be fine with JSP if you know ASP - it as the same

<% %>
<%= %>

mechanisams (amongst others), but instead of doing:

  dim something
  set something = Server.CreateObject("something.thing")

you use

<USEBEAN NAME="something" TYPE="something.thing">

(different in JSP1.0 - this is 0.92 declaration - check the Spec :) )


Of course, there is an assumption that you know _some_ java.


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