I've successfully gotten JSP1.0 to work with all of it's samples.  Now I'm
trying to create a new jsp page.  I've created the simplest possible program
(think "HelloWorld") and I cannot get it to work!  Here is the source for

<body bgcolor="white">
<jsp:useBean id="ricky" scope="request" class="rtest.RicksClass" />

<font size=4>
<li>    The property is:  <jsp:getProperty name="ricky"

Here is the source for RicksClass.java:
 * Ricks Test applet for JSP

package rtest;

import java.util.*;

public class RicksClass {
    String globalString;

    public RicksClass() {
        // the constructor
        globalString = "Hello World";

    public String helloProp() {
        return globalString;

Now, the first problem I had was about where to put the java source file.
All of the example sources are in <install
dir>\examples\WEB-INF\jsp\beans\xxx, so I created a directory named rtest
and put the source file there.  When I first tried to run "rtest.jsp", I got
an error about not finding the java source file.  I tried putting a copy of
it in the same directory as the .jsp file to no avail so I *manually*
compiled it.  Now, when I try to run "rtest.jsp", I get the following error
in my browser window:
com.sun.jsp.JspException: getProperty(ricky): can't find method to read
        at com.sun.jsp.compiler.GetPropertyGenerator.generate(Compiled Code)
com.sun.jsp.compiler.Jsp1_0ParseEventListener.generateAll(Compiled Code)
        at com.sun.jsp.compiler.Main.compile(Main.java:193)
        at com.sun.jsp.runtime.JspLoader.loadJSP(Compiled Code)
        at com.sun.jsp.runtime.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.service(Compiled
        at com.sun.jsp.runtime.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(Compiled Code)
        at com.sun.jsp.runtime.JspServlet.service(Compiled Code)
        at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(Compiled Code)
        at com.sun.web.core.ServletWrapper.handleRequest(Compiled Code)
        at com.sun.web.core.Context.handleRequest(Compiled Code)
        at com.sun.web.server.ConnectionHandler.run(Compiled Code)

I must be getting stupid in my old age!  Any help at all would be *much*

Rick Schaeffer

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