> After spending some time, albeit very little, tinkering with JSP samples I'm
> still
> confused about the much touted integration between JSP and EJB.
> My question is:
> How do I reconcile the two stage creation of Session Beans, that is,
> 1-) EJBHome =  JNDIContext->FindHome
> 2-) EJBHome->Create()
> with the JSP <usebean> mechanism that expects a no arg constructor returning
> a ready to be used instance. Do I have to write some sort of wrapper
> JavaBeans around EJB stubs by hand?
> Unrelated question:
> Is the controversial processRequest still in?
> Thanks in advance.
> Ubaldo

                The <jsp:useBean ... > tag in JSP 1.0 is not intended to abstract
        the construction/initialization of an EJB, it is intended to be used in
        conjection with plain JavaBeans. Better EJB support is under investigation
        for JSP 1.1.

        FOr now, I would encourage you to build JavaBean "proxies" to EJB's that
        encapsulate their creation and expose their API, then you can use the
        usebean tag to include them in your pages.


        - Larry Cable.

                I'm afraid that processRequest() is out .... having said that one
        could easily simulate/replace it with:

        <jsp:setProperty name="fooBean" property="pageContext" value="<%= pageContext 
%>" />


        <% fooBean.processRequest(pageContext); %>

        Although you should not take this as an "official" endorsement of this pattern!

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