According to the O'Reilly book, Java Servlet Programming (Jason Hunter), on p44
it states that beans which

"implement the javax.servlet.Servlet interface (either directly or by extending
GenericServlet or HttpServlet), it will call the bean's service() method once
for each request and the bean's init() method when the bean is first created..."

Does gnujsp follow this?  I tried it and had no luck in getting the bean's
service() method automatically called.

Basically, I just want the bean to be able to see the request object, so it'll
know it's environment and the arguements passed to it in the query string or in
the post request. That is, without having to manually pass the request object to
the bean in the jsp page. ie, without having to do a <%
testBean.setRequest(request); %>.

Rich Yumul

Richard M. Yumul
DTAI Incorporated
(619)542-1700 · fax:(619)542-8675

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