Hi, I'm new to this list so maybe this is an old question...

I've just started using the JSP reference implementation, and I've found that
if I have errors in my .jsp files, I'm having a terrible time figure out
what's wrong. I see a fairly worthless stack trace in my web browser, and then
I see some stuff printed to stderr in the terminal I started the server from.
The stuff to stderr is basically javac output for the auto-generated .java
file, which is no longer on disk. Often the errors themselves are things like
"try without catch", and stuff which makes me think I'm missing a } or )
somewhere, but it's non-obvious.

How can I tell what I've done wrong when my .jsp's won't compile?

Is there anything else I can use other than the reference implementation at
this point in time?



Adam Beeman | Sr. UNIX System Administrator | PIXAR Animation Studios
"Hollywood is a dreary industrial town controlled by hoodlums of
enormous wealth with the ethical sense of a pack of jackals"
        -- S.J. Perlman, 1988

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