<cross post to [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

hi zart -

    attached is a bit of info briefly describing the default.cfg fields.
    check out the etc/SimpleStartup.java file for an idea as to an
    embedded server. i believe you'll want to checkout the
    javax.servlet.Servlet.init() method (eg. a family/webapp of servlets
    could reference a singleton service from within the init method ... or
    coordinate via the javax.servlet.ServletContext). the invoker is a
    on/off flag to allow/disallow servlet execution ... having servlets on
    (invoker=true) is a good thing but doing so does open up host systems
    to security risks if programmer with that in mind, hence the invoker
    master switch to turn 'em all off.

    also, the next release config info is in xml ... same data but it should
    be a bit more human parsable, easy to add new webapp contexts,
    extend, etc.

    hope this helps,

- james

pascal jacob wrote:

> Where can I found a white paper on the inner working of the servlet-runner
> that commes whith the JSDK 2.1 ?
> What is the format of the config file ?
> How do I use the server.inet parameter ?
> what is the meaning of the invoker parameter in the webapp.properties file ?
> If I want to embed the servlet-runner in my application what are the
> available entry point in server.jar and servlet.jar ?
> How do I read the config file ?
> Is there a way to have a function be called before any of the servlets
> composing a webapp been called ?  Maybe this is the purpose of the invoker
> parameter in the webapp.properties file ?
> ZartC++
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hi paul -

    with regards to item 1:

        the default.cfg file is a means by which to configure service
        options prior to startup. that other means is command line
        (eg. startserver -help). the options are:

            server.port            the port the http service will be
                                             listening on once started
            server.hostname    the server's host name
            server.inet             the server's ip address
            server.docbase      the directory name which will be used
                                             to resolve the default "/" resource
            server.workdir      a scratch work dir

            # note: multiple tuples of the following can be added

                                        a named resource
                                        the directory name which will be used
                                        to resolve requests for the afore mentioned
                                        mapping resource

    without changing a thing, you should be able to start the server:

        % startserver

    and view the "home page" at:


    if you change one or more of the afore mentioned configurations
    you can adjust the url accordingly to see the results.

    the remainder of your questions are better served on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    so i stop at this point.

hope this helps,

- james

/servlet-interest Paula Lumby wrote:

> I;ve asked these before, but no one replied, so I'll try again:
> These questions relate to the JSP 1.0 reference implementation downloadable from
> 1. Is there an explanation of the default .cfg file apart from the crypitc
> comments in the file?
> 2. Where should I put bean classes so that I do not get Class not found
> exceptions when I try to load reference
>     them in a JSP.
>    a) What if the bean is used just by the JSP, as are the examples provided in
> the reference implementation
>    b) What if hte bean is preapred in advance by a servlet that then invokes the
> Paula Lumby
> IBM VisualAge for Java/C++/RPG Services
> tel:   448-2517        (T/L) 778-2517
> Room:  2G42C      2G/KB4/1150/TOR
> e-mail:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> External Address:
> IBM Toronto Laboratory
> 1150 Eglinton Avenue East
> Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3C 1H7
> FAX:  (416) 448-4414
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> To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body
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> Archives: http://archives.java.sun.com/archives/servlet-interest.html
> Resources: http://java.sun.com/products/servlet/external-resources.html
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